Home2013 (Page 7)


Posted in : Nutrition on by : fleur

Fierul este un mineral foarte important pentru sanatatea noastra. Impreuna cu cuprul, fierul este indispensabil pentru sintetizarea hemoglobinei (substanta existenta in sange care face posibil transportul oxigenului). Majoritatea fierului din organismul uman se regaseste in celulele rosii (eritrocite). De asemenea fierul este necesar producerii anumitor enzime, bio-energiei, sucului gastric si pentru buna functionare a sistemului
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Posted in : Nutrition on by : fleur

Zincul este un mineral foarte important pentru sistemul antioxidant, fiind necesar la productia enzimelor antioxidante. De asemenea zincul ajuta la realizarea mai multor functii importante ale sistemului imunitar. In urma studiilor efectuate a reiesit ca acesta joaca un rol esential in dezvoltarea si refacerea timusului (organ ce apartine sistemului endocrin). Zincul este o componenta a
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Posted in : Nutrition on by : fleur

“De unde iti iei proteinele?” – este o intrebare des auzita de catre vegani. Deci… Proteinele sunt alcatuite din carbon, hidrogen, azot, oxigen si sulf. Fiecare celula vie a corpului nostru contine proteine. Acestea, proteinele, sunt indispensabile pentru muschi, organe, sange si enzime. Proteinele din alimente sunt “sparte” in urma digestiei in componentele de baza:
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Steamed broccoli with vinaigretteBrocoli la abur cu sos vinaigretteGestoomde broccoli met vinaigrette saus

<!--:en-->Steamed broccoli with vinaigrette<!--:--><!--:ro-->Brocoli la abur cu sos vinaigrette<!--:--><!--:nl-->Gestoomde broccoli met vinaigrette saus<!--:-->
Posted in : Appetizers, Main dishes, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur
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For 2-3 servings: 500-600 g broccoli florets For  vinaigrette: 2 tablespoon olive oil, extra virgin 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 cloves of garlic, mashed salt and pepper, to taste Wash the broccoli and cut into florets. Steam for approx. 4-5 minutes. Remove to a platter. Mix all the ingredients for vinaigrette dressing  and pour  over the
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Pumpkin piePlacinta cu dovleacPompoen cakeTorta di zucca

<!--:en-->Pumpkin pie<!--:--><!--:ro-->Placinta cu dovleac<!--:--><!--:nl-->Pompoen cake<!--:--><!--:it-->Torta di zucca<!--:-->
Comments : 3 Posted in : Breakfast, Desserts on by : fleur
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for a mid-size tray, for a big one dubbel the quantities For the dough: 150 g margarine (see recipe here) 500 g flour 1 ½ small cup  raw sugar 1 small cup soy milk 15 g baking powder For the filling: 1.5 kg pumpkin 1 small cup  raw sugar 1 tablespoon oil Mix the margarine  with the
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Margarine for doughMargarina pentru aluatMargarine voor deegMargarina per impasti

<!--:en-->Margarine for dough<!--:--><!--:ro-->Margarina pentru aluat<!--:--><!--:nl-->Margarine voor deeg<!--:--><!--:it-->Margarina per impasti<!--:-->
Posted in : Uncategorized on by : fleur
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For about 150 g margarine: 1 cup soy milk 2 cups  sunflower oil a pinch of turmeric  – for color a pinch of salt Put the soy milk, salt and the turmeric in a blender. Start the blender and add the oil, little by little, as for mayonnaise. Margarine should have the consistency of thick mayonnaise,
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Tjap tjoy with quinoaQuinoa cu tjap tjoyTjap tjoy met quinoa

<!--:en-->Tjap tjoy with quinoa<!--:--><!--:ro-->Quinoa cu tjap tjoy<!--:--><!--:nl-->Tjap tjoy met quinoa<!--:-->
Posted in : Main dishes, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur
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For 3 servings: 200 g quinoa 600-700 g vegetables: onion, carrot, leek, green beans (fresh or frozen), peas, broccoli, zucchini, bell pepper, sweet baby corn, etc., sliced or cubed 5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped fresh chili, to taste 4 cm ginger, grated (or 2 teaspoons ginger powder) 3 tsp. coriander powder fresh coriander, finely cut (optional) 3-4 tablespoons
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Potatoes moussakaMusaca de cartofiAardappelen moussaka

<!--:en-->Potatoes moussaka<!--:--><!--:ro-->Musaca de cartofi<!--:--><!--:nl-->Aardappelen moussaka<!--:-->
Posted in : Main dishes on by : fleur
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For 4-5 servings: 1.5 kg potatoes For the filling: 2 packs tofu (about 700g ) 2 onions, finely chopped 4 tablespoons mix seasoning 1 tablespoon dried thyme 2 teaspoons paprika powder 1 kg tomatoes / 800 g can diced tomatoes 5-6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 1 tablespoons oil salt and pepper Drain tofu well. Crush it with a fork,
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Eggplant moussakaMusaca de vineteAubergine moussakaMoussaka di melanzane

<!--:en-->Eggplant moussaka<!--:--><!--:ro-->Musaca de vinete<!--:--><!--:nl-->Aubergine moussaka<!--:--><!--:it-->Moussaka di melanzane<!--:-->
Posted in : Main dishes on by : fleur
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For 4-5 servings: 4-5 eggplants For the filling: 2 packs tofu (about 700g ) 2 onions, finely chopped 4 tablespoons mix seasoning 1 tablespoon dried thyme 2 teaspoons paprika powder 1 kg tomatoes / 800 g can diced tomatoes 5-6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 1 tablespoons oil salt and pepper Drain tofu well. Crush
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New potatoes saladSalata de cartofi noiAardappelen salade

<!--:en-->New potatoes salad<!--:--><!--:ro-->Salata de cartofi noi<!--:--><!--:nl-->Aardappelen salade<!--:-->
Posted in : Salads on by : fleur
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For 4-5 servings: 1 kg new potatoes 3 tbsp. olive oil 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar dill, finely chopped salt and pepper, to taste Wash the potatoes well  to remove any dirt and cook whole without peeling. Drain the water and leave to cool. Cut the potatoes lengthwise into four. Mix the olive oil, the vinegar, salt and pepper and
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