29 September, 2015
Seitan kebabKebab din seitanSeitan kebabKebab di seitan

For the seitan:
1 kg flour (see the recipe here)
Cook the seitan whole, in water with some bay leaves, peppercorns and allspice, for approx. 40 min.
Drain then slice finely.
Mix the following spices:
3 tsp. paprika
1/4 tsp. cumin powder
2 tsp. garlic powder
2 tsp. dried thyme
cayenne powder, to taste
salt and pepper, to taste
Pour the spice mix over the seitan spices and mix well. Cover and let it rest for at least an hour.
Fry the seitan in a little oil till golden brown.
Serve with pitta bread and lettuce, shredded red cabbage , tomato and pickles slices, garlic sauce or avocado sauce.
Pentru seitan:
1 kg faina (se pregateste seitanul ca aici)
Se fierbe seitanul intreg in apa cu cateva frunze de dafin, boabe de piper si ienibahar, timp de aprox. 40 minute.
Se lasa la scurs apoi se taie feliute foarte subtiri.
Se pregateste un amestec din urmatoarele condimente:
3 lingurite boia dulce
1/4 lingurita cumin pudra
2 lingurite usturoi pudra
2 lingurite cimbru uscat
boia iute, dupa gust
sare si piper, dupa gust
Se toarna condimentele peste feliutele de seitan si se amesteca bine. Se acopera si se lasa sa stea cel putin o ora.
Se rumenesc in putin ulei.
Se servesc in chifle impreuna cu salata, varza tocata, rosii feliate, castraveti murati feliati si sos de usturoi sau sos de avocado.