13 September, 2017

For approx. 40 – 50 pieces
500 g chickpeas, soaked in water for about 12-15 hours
4-5 tablespoons cold water
1 medium onion, finely chopped
5-6 cloves of garlic, mashed
1 parsley bunch, finely cut
1 coriander bunch, finely cut
3 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons coriander powder
1 teaspoon cumin powder
1 teaspoon paprika powder
1/2 teaspoon of cardamom powder
chili powder, to taste (optional)
sesame seeds, for coating (optional)
sunflower oil for frying
Process the chickpeas with a food processor, add the water, until a paste is obtained, but not mushy and holds itself together (you can also use a mincer/grinder, repeat the process 2-3 times).
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients by hand until smooth and uniform. Refrigerate for at least an hour.
With wet hands form balls (or patties) the size of a walnut and press them well. Cover them with sesame seeds and fry on both sides, in hot oil, until brown (3-4 minutes on each side). Fry first one piece, if it won’t hold together, add more flour to the mixture and try again.
Serve hot with hummus , pita bread, tahini sauce and mix salad/pickles.
Pentru aprox. 40 – 50 bucati
500 g naut, inmuiat in apa pentru 12-15 ore
4-5 linguri apa rece
1 ceapa medie, taiata marut
5-6 catei usturoi, pisati
1 legatura patrunjel, taiat fin
1 legatura coriandru, taiat fin
3 linguri faina
1 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
2 lingurite cu varf coriandru pudra
1 lingurita chimion pudra
1 lingurita cu varf boia dulce
1/2 lingurita cardamon pudra
boia iute, dupa gust (optional)
seminte de sesam (optional)
ulei de floarea soarelui pentru prajit
Nautul se da prin robotul de bucatarie, impreuna cu apa, pana cand se obtine o pasta, nu foarte fina si care nu se desface (se poate da si prin masina de tocat de 2-3 ori).
Intr-un castron se amesteca toate ingredientele, cu mana, pana se incorporeaza complet. Se da la frigider pentru cel putin o ora.
Cu mainile umede se formeaza mingiute de dimensiunea unei nuci, se preseaza bine in mana, apoi se pot turti putin. Se tavalesc prin semintele de susan. Se prajesc pe ambele parti, in uleiul incins, pana cand se rumenesc (3-4 minute pe fiecare parte). Incercati mai intai sa prajiti o bucatica, daca se desface atunci mai adaugati putina faina si repetati procesul.
Se servesc calde, eventual alturi de hummus, painici pita, sos tahini si salata asortata/muraturi.