9 February, 2015
Creamy cauliflower soupSupa crema de conopidaBloemkoolsoepVellutata di cavolfiore

For 3-4 servings:
450 g cauliflower, cut into pieces
1 large potato, cubed
1 onion, chopped
fresh parsley, finely chopped
olive oil, for garnish (optional)
salt and pepper, to taste
Cook the cauliflower, onion and potato in 1 l water. When the vegetables are cooked blend until smooth.
Add salt and pepper to taste. Garnish with fresh parsley and a little bit olive oil.
Pentru 3-4 portii:
450 g conopida, taiata in bucati potrivite
1 cartof mare, taiat cubulete
1 ceapa, taiata
patrunjel, taiat marunt
ulei de masline, pentru ornat (optional)
sare si piper, dupa gust
Se pun conopida, ceapa si cartoful la fiert in 1 l apa. Cand legumele au fiert se mixeaza totul cu ajutorul unui blender sau mixer vertical.
Se potriveste de sare si piper. Se adauga patrunjelul si putin ulei de masline.
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die staat op het menu vandaag 🙂