15 June, 2014
Apricot cakeTarta cu caiseAbrikozen cake

For an oven tray size 25/40 cm
350 g flour
150 g raw sugar
400 ml soy milk
75 ml oil
2 teaspoons baking powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
a pinch of salt
1/2 kg apricots, cut in half
Mix the flour with the baking powder and salt.
Add the sugar and oil to the soy milk and mix until the sugar has dissolved. Pour it into the flour mixture, stirring constantly to avoid lumps forming.
Grease the oven tray and coat with flour.
Pour the batter into the oven tray and spread evenly. Place the apricots on top of it.
Bake in the preheated oven at medium heat (200C) for approx. 30 minutes.
Allow to cool then cut into pieces.
Variation: Instead of apricots you can use other fruits as: sour cherries, plums, etc.
Pentru o tava de cuptor cu dimensiunea de 25/40 cm
350 g faina
150 g zahar brut
400 ml lapte de soia
75 ml ulei
2 lingurite praf de copt
2 lingurite esenta de vanilie
un varf de cutit de sare
1/2 kg caise
Se amesteca faina cu praful de copt si cu sarea.
Laptele de soia se amesteca cu zaharul, esenta de vanilie si uleiul pana cand zaharul s-a topit. Se incorporeaza in amestecul de faina, amestecand continuu pentru a nu se forma cocoloase.
Tava se unge cu ulei si se tapeteaza cu faina.
Se toarna compozitia in tava si se intinde uniform. Deasupra se adauga jumatatile de caise.
Se coace in cuptorul incins in prealabil, la foc mediu, timp de aprox. 30 minute.
Se lasa la racit apoi se taie in bucati.
Variatie: in loc de caise se pot folosi alte fructe ca: visine, prune etc.