Home2013 September (Page 3)

Mushroom stewTocanita de ciuperciChampignons stoofpot

<!--:en-->Mushroom stew<!--:--><!--:ro-->Tocanita de ciuperci<!--:--><!--:nl-->Champignons stoofpot<!--:-->
Posted in : Main dishes, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur
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Pentru 4 porții: 1 kg ciuperci 4 cepe mari 4 ardei grași 1/2 kg de roșii / o conservă de roșii în bulion 1 legătură pătrunjel 2-3 frunze de dafin 4 linguri de ulei sare, piper Se taie ceapa felii și se călește în ulei, până se înmoaie puțin. Se adaugă ardeii tăiați feliuțe, ciupercile
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Chickpea saladSalata de nautKikkererwtensalade

<!--:en-->Chickpea salad<!--:--><!--:ro-->Salata de naut<!--:--><!--:nl-->Kikkererwtensalade<!--:-->
Posted in : Salads, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur
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For 2-3 servings: 300 g cooked chickpeas 2 tomatoes, diced 1-2 cucumbers, diced 1 bell pepper, sliced 1 small zucchini, diced 1 red onion, finely sliced parsley, finely chopped 2 tablespoons olive oil the juice of half lemon salt and pepper, to taste Mix all the ingredients! Pentru 2-3 porții: 300 g năut fiert 2
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Tomato soupSupa de rosiiTomatensoep

<!--:en-->Tomato soup<!--:--><!--:ro-->Supa de rosii<!--:--><!--:nl-->Tomatensoep<!--:-->
Posted in : Soups, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur
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For 4 servings: 1 large carrot 1 onion 1 parsnip 1 celery stalk 1 leek 1 1/2 kg tomatoes, peeled and finely chopped/ 2 cans diced tomatoes 1/2 cup  brown rice (15 minutes cooking time) 1 tablespoon oil parsley for garnish, finely chopped salt and pepper, to taste Finely chop all the vegetables. Stir fry the vegetables in the
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Sauteed mushrooms saladSalata cu ciuperci soteGebakken champignons saladeInsalata di funghi trifolati

<!--:en-->Sauteed mushrooms salad<!--:--><!--:ro-->Salata cu ciuperci sote<!--:--><!--:nl-->Gebakken champignons salade<!--:--><!--:it-->Insalata di funghi trifolati<!--:-->
Posted in : Salads, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur
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For 2-3 servings: 1 lettuce 2 tomatoes, diced 1-2 cucumbers, diced 1 sweet pepper, diced 2 green onions (or 1 red onion/shallot), finely sliced 300 g mushrooms,  quartered or sliced 4-5 garlic cloves, finely chopped parsley, finely chopped 2-3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar / lemon juice 1-2 tablespoons hemp seeds (optional) 2 tablespoons oil salt and pepper, to
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Seitan schnitzelSnitele din seitanSeitan schnitzel

<!--:en-->Seitan schnitzel<!--:--><!--:ro-->Snitele din seitan<!--:--><!--:nl-->Seitan schnitzel<!--:-->
Posted in : Main dishes on by : fleur
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For 4-5 schnitzels: seitan (see recipe here) 1/2 cup soy milk 3 tablespoons flour 5-6 tablespoons breadcrumbs 10 peppercorns 2-3 bay leaves salt oil for frying Cook the seitan schnitzels in water with the peppercorns and bay leaves, for about 30 minutes. Drain well. Roll the seitan schnitzels through the flour, then through the soy milk
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Vitamin B12Vitamina B12Vitamine B12

<!--:en-->Vitamin B12<!--:--><!--:ro-->Vitamina B12<!--:--><!--:nl-->Vitamine B12<!--:-->
Posted in : Nutrition on by : fleur

Vitamina B12 sau cobalamina este produsa de bacterii, inclusiv de bacteriile existente in intestinele animalelor sau omului. La om vitamina B12 este absorbita in portiunea dintre intestinul  subtire si cel gros aceasta facand prezenta bacteriilor producatoare de B12 din intestinul gros nefolositoare. Vitamina B12  este necesara pentru formarea celulelor rosii (globulele rosii), pentru absorbtia fierului
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Posted in : Nutrition on by : fleur

Fierul este un mineral foarte important pentru sanatatea noastra. Impreuna cu cuprul, fierul este indispensabil pentru sintetizarea hemoglobinei (substanta existenta in sange care face posibil transportul oxigenului). Majoritatea fierului din organismul uman se regaseste in celulele rosii (eritrocite). De asemenea fierul este necesar producerii anumitor enzime, bio-energiei, sucului gastric si pentru buna functionare a sistemului
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Posted in : Nutrition on by : fleur

Zincul este un mineral foarte important pentru sistemul antioxidant, fiind necesar la productia enzimelor antioxidante. De asemenea zincul ajuta la realizarea mai multor functii importante ale sistemului imunitar. In urma studiilor efectuate a reiesit ca acesta joaca un rol esential in dezvoltarea si refacerea timusului (organ ce apartine sistemului endocrin). Zincul este o componenta a
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Posted in : Nutrition on by : fleur

“De unde iti iei proteinele?” – este o intrebare des auzita de catre vegani. Deci… Proteinele sunt alcatuite din carbon, hidrogen, azot, oxigen si sulf. Fiecare celula vie a corpului nostru contine proteine. Acestea, proteinele, sunt indispensabile pentru muschi, organe, sange si enzime. Proteinele din alimente sunt “sparte” in urma digestiei in componentele de baza:
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Steamed broccoli with vinaigretteBrocoli la abur cu sos vinaigretteGestoomde broccoli met vinaigrette saus

<!--:en-->Steamed broccoli with vinaigrette<!--:--><!--:ro-->Brocoli la abur cu sos vinaigrette<!--:--><!--:nl-->Gestoomde broccoli met vinaigrette saus<!--:-->
Posted in : Appetizers, Main dishes, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur
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For 2-3 servings: 500-600 g broccoli florets For  vinaigrette: 2 tablespoon olive oil, extra virgin 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 2 cloves of garlic, mashed salt and pepper, to taste Wash the broccoli and cut into florets. Steam for approx. 4-5 minutes. Remove to a platter. Mix all the ingredients for vinaigrette dressing  and pour  over the
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