Tag : retete cartofi

    HomePosts tagged "retete cartofi" (Page 3)
16 September, 2013

Italian potatoesCartofi italienesti Italiaanse aardappels

<!--:en-->Italian potatoes<!--:--><!--:ro-->Cartofi italienesti <!--:--><!--:nl-->Italiaanse aardappels<!--:-->
Posted in : Main dishes on by : fleur
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For 4 servings: 1 kg potatoes, cubed 3 large onions, sliced 4-5 carrots, sliced 2 green peppers, sliced 6-7 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 3-4 teaspoons rosemary fresh chili / chili powder (optional) 4 tablespoons olive oil salt and pepper, to taste Half cook the potatoes. Drain well. In an oven tray, greased with oil, put the vegetables
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14 September, 2013

Endive stamppotStamppot din andiveStamppot andijvie

<!--:en-->Endive stamppot<!--:--><!--:ro-->Stamppot din andive<!--:--><!--:nl-->Stamppot andijvie<!--:-->
Posted in : Main dishes on by : fleur
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Pentru 3- 4 persoane: 1 kg cartofi o andivă mare 2 cepe 4 căței de usturoi 3 linguri ulei de măsline sare, piper Andiva se taie fașii și se spală. Se înabușește într-o cratița împreuna cu ceapa tăiată marunt (îsi va lăsa multă apă) timp de 7-10 minute. Cand este aproape gata se adaugă usturoiul
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14 September, 2013

Potato, pea and chickpea curryCurry de cartofi, mazare si naut Curry van aardappels, erwten en kikkererwtenCurry di patate, piselli e ceci

<!--:en-->Potato, pea and chickpea curry<!--:--><!--:ro-->Curry de cartofi, mazare si naut <!--:--><!--:nl-->Curry van aardappels, erwten en kikkererwten<!--:--><!--:it-->Curry di patate, piselli e ceci<!--:-->
Comments : 2 Posted in : Main dishes on by : fleur
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For 2-3 servings: 1/2 kg potatoes, peeled and cubed 300g peas (fresh or frozen) 250 g cooked chickpeas 1 tin coconut milk 2 onions, finely chopped chili (fresh or powder), to taste 5-6 cloves of garlic, finely chopped 2 cm fresh ginger, grated (or 1 teaspoon ginger powder) 1 tsp. coriander powder 1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon
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