29 May, 2014
Sauteed spinachMancare de spanacSpinazie met ui en knoflook

For 3-4 servings:
1.5 kg fresh spinach (well washed and chopped) / 900 g frozen spinach
1 large onion, finely chopped
3-4 cloves of garlic, finely sliced
1 tablespoon oil
a slice of lemon
salt and pepper, to taste
Stir fry the onion in oil for 1-2 minutes. Add the spinach and very little water. Cover and simmer, stirring occasionally for about 10 minutes. Add the garlic and lemon and simmer for another 2-3 minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.
It can be served with boiled potatoes.
Attention! Do not reheat the spinach! (reheating increase the nitrates)
Pentru 3-4 portii:
1,5 kg spanac proaspat / 900 g spanac congelat
1 ceapa mare
3-4 catei de usturoi
1 lingura de ulei
o felie de lamaie
sare, piper
Ceapa taiata fin se caleste 1-2 minute in ulei. Se adauga spanacul spalat si taiat si foarte putina apa. Cand spanacul s-a inmuiat (aprox. 10 minute) se adauga usturoiul taiat foarte fin si lamaia, se mai lasa sa fiarba 2-3 minute. Se condimenteaza dupa gust cu sare si piper. Se poate servi alaturi de cartofi natur.
Atentie! Spanacul nu se reincalzeste, preparati atat cat consumati la masa respectiva!