12 October, 2014
Sauteed peasMazare soteDoperwtjes sote

For 4-6 servings:
1 kg frozen peas
2 onions, finely chopped
2 tablespoons oil
salt and pepper, to taste
Heat the oil in a saucepan and add the onions. Stir fry for about 2-3 minutes than add the peas.
Cover and simmer. Stir often. If needed, add a tablespoon of water.
When the onions and peas are cooked add salt and pepper.
Variation: you can add fresh dill, finely chopped and / or some lemon juice.
Pentru 4-6 portii:
1 kg mazare congelata
2 cepe, taiate marunt
2 linguri ulei
sare si piper, dupa gust
Se incinge uleiul intr-o cratita s se adauga ceapa. Se caleste pret de 2-3 minute si se adauga mazarea.
Se acopera cu un capac si se amesteca din cand in cand. Daca este nevoie se adauga o lingura de apa.
Cand ceapa si mazarea sunt patrunse se potriveste de sare si piper.
Variatie: se poate adauga marar proaspat, taiat fin si/sau putina zeama de lamaie.