28 October, 2014
Dutch apple pieTarta olandeza cu mereHollandse appeltaartTorta olandese di mele

a round (spring) form with a diameter of 24 cm
For the filling:
5 medium apples
4 tablespoons raw sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
juice of one lemon
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
For the dough:
2 cups flour
1/2 cup soy milk
2/3 cup sunflower oil
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 banana
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon vinegar
zest of one lemon
Place the soy milk in the blender, start the blender and add the oil, little by little. Finally add the sugar and banana and continue blending until the sugar has dissolved.
Place the mixture in a bowl and add the remaining ingredients. Knead for a few minutes until you get an elastic dough. Refrigerate until you prepare the filling.
Peel the apples, remove the cores and cut them into small pieces. Add the sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon. Mix well.
Divide the dough into two parts. Dust the working surface with a little bit of flour and roll 2/3 of the dough, with a rolling pin, to the size of the form and approx. 4 cm extra for the edges. Place it in to the form, arrange the edges, sprinkle the breadcrumbs evenly on the bottom then add the apples (well drained) and spread evenly.
Roll the remaining dough and cut it into strips of approx..1,5 – 2 cm and layer them over the apple pie to form a raster . Brush with a little soy milk for a nice color.
Bake at medium heat (175 C) for about an hour.
Before removing the tart from the form let it cool slightly. Brush on top with syrup (maple, jam etc.)
Serve warm or cold.
Variation: You can add a handful of raisins to the stuffing.
Pentru o forma rotunda de 24 cm
Pentru umplutura:
5 mere medii
4 linguri zahar brut
2 lingurite scortisoara
zeama de la o lamaie
2 linguri pesmet
Pentru aluat:
2 cani faina
1/2 cana lapte de soia
2/3 cana ulei floarea soarelui
1/2 cana zahar
1/2 banana
2 lingurite praf de copt
1 lingurita otet
coaja rasa de la o lamaie
Se pune laptele de soia în blender, se pornește blenderul și se adauga uleiul, putin câte putin. La final se adauga zaharul si banana si se continua mixarea pana cand zaharul s-a topit.
Se pune compozitia intr-un castron si se adauga restul ingredientelor. Se framanta cateva minute pana cand obtinem un aluat elastic. Se da la frigider pana cand preparam umplutura.
Merele se decojesc si se taie in bucatele mici. Se adauga zaharul, zeama de lamaie si scortisoara. Se amesteca bine.
Aluatul se împarte în două părți. Presarati putina faina pe suprafata de lucru. 2/3 din cantitatea de aluat se întinde cu ajutorul unui facalet, la mărimea tăvii inclusive pentru o margine de aprox. 4 cm. Se așează in forma, se aranjeaza marginile, se presara uniform pesmetul apoi se adaugă umplutura (scursă bine de zeama lăsată) si se întinde uniform. Restul de aluat se intinte si se taie in fasii de aprox.1,5 – 2 cm. Se adauga deasupra umpluturii in forma de grilaj. Se ung cu putin lapte de soia pentru o culoare frumoasa.
Se dă la cuptor, la foc potrivit (175 C), timp de o ora.
Inainte de a scoate tarta din forma se lasa putin la racit. Deasupra se poate unge cu sirop (de artar, din dulceata etc.)
Se serveste calda sau rece.
Variatie: Se poate adauga o mana de stafide la umplutura.
2 thoughts
Deze heb ik gisteren nog maar eens gemaakt, als een van de desserten bij een brunch. Gelukkig was er nog een stukje over, zodat ik er vandaag nog van kan genieten !
Geweldig recept !
Dank je, Monique!