26 June, 2014
Raw spring rollsPachetele de primavara rawRauwe loempia’s

For 10 pieces:
10 rice paper sheets
200 g vegetables: carrot, cabbage, cucumber, green onion, bell pepper (red), cut julienne
1 cm ginger, grated
1 clove of garlic, mashed
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
2 tablespoons soy sauce
2 tablespoons fresh cilantro (or parsley), finely chopped
Prepare a marinade of soy sauce, lemon juice, garlic and ginger. Add the vegetables and mix well.
Prepare the rice paper sheets as directed on the package. Place 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable mix along edge of the sheet, fold over until ingredients are covered, fold in each side and roll up.
Serve with chili sauce or soy sauce with garlic.
Variation: can also use different vegetables: soy sprouts, lettuce, avocado, etc. and smoked tofu.
Pentru 10 bucati:
10 foi de orez
200 g legume: morcov, varza, castravete, ceapa verde, ardei gras (rosu), taiate julienne
1 cm ghimbir prospat, ras
1 catel de usturoi, pisat
2 linguri zeama de lamaie
2 linguri sos de soia
2 linguri coriandru proaspat (sau patrunjel), taiat fin
Se pregateste o marinata din sosul de soia, zeama de lamiae, usturoi si ghimbir. Se adauga legumele si se amesteca bine.
Se pregatesc foile de orez conform indicatiilor de pe ambalaj. Se pun 1-2 linguri din legume la marginea foii de orez, se impaturesc capetele si se ruleaza.
Se servesc imediat cu sos de ardei iute sau sos de soia cu usturoi.
Variatie: de asemenea se pot folosi diverse legume: vlastari de soia, salata, avocado etc. sau tofu afumat.