7 February, 2015
Lentil pattiesChiftelute din linteLinzen balletjesPolpette di lenticchie

For 15-20 pieces:
1 cup red lentils
3 tablespoons chickpea flour
1 large carrot
1 large onion
1 bell pepper
2-3 garlic cloves, mashed
2 tablespoons seasoning mix (coriander-, cumin-, allspice-, paprika-, juniper-, garlic-, mustard powder etc.)
1 tablespoon mint (fresh or dried)
2 bay leaves
salt and pepper, to taste
Wash the lentils thoroughly and cook them together with the bay leaves in 1 1/2 cup water. Check from time to time that they don’t stick to the bottom of the pan. When the lentils are cooked the water should be completely absorbed. Remove the bay leaves and allow it to cool.
Process the carrot, onion, bell pepper and mint using a food processor (or finely grate or chop them).
Mix all the ingredients. Form little balls and bake them in the oven at medium heat (175 C) for 20-30 minutes.
Serve them warm with mustard or with side dishes and / or salads.
Variation: you can add chilli / chilli powder to the mixture
Pentru 15-20 bucati:
1 cana linte rosie
3 linguri faina de naut
1 morcov mare
1 ceapa mare
1 ardei gras
2-3 catei de usturoi, pisati
2 linguri condimente pentru tocatura
1 lingura menta (proaspata sau uscata)
2 frunze de dafin
sare si piper, dupa gust
Se spala lintea foarte bine si se pune la fiert impreuna cu frunzele de dafin in 1 1/2 cana apa. Verificati din cand in cand sa nu se prinda de oala. Cand lintea a fiert apa trebuie sa fie in totalitate absorbita. Se indeparteaza frunzele de dafin si se lasa la racit.
Morcovul, ceapa, ardeiul gras si menta se proceseaza cu ajutorul unui robot de bucatarie (sau in lipsa acestuia se dau prin razatoarea mica sau se toaca foarte marunt).
Se amesteca toate ingredientele. Se formeaza bilute si se coc in cuptor, la foc mediu (175 C) timp de 20-30 minute.
Se servesc calde cu mustar sau cu diverse garnituri si/sau salate.
Variatie: in compozitie se poate adauga putin ardei iute/boia iute