9 May, 2015
Chocolate mint mousseSpuma de ciocolata cu mentaChocolade munt mousseMousse menta e cioccolato
Posted in : Desserts on by : fleur Tags: ciocolata, deserturi vegane, mancare vegana, retete vegane, tofu, vegan recipes
For approx. 4 servings:
1 pack (350 g) silken tofu, well drained
100 g pure chocolate (> 70% cocoa)
10 dates
2-3 tablespoons fresh mint, to taste
Blend the tofu with the dates and mint leaves until smooth.
Melt the chocolate in bain-marie (steam bath). Pour it over the tofu mix while the blender is running.
Pour the chocolate mousse into glasses and garnish with mint leaves of grated chocolate.
Serve directly or refrigerate till next day.
Pentru aprox. 4 portii:
un pachet (350 g) silken tofu
100 g ciocolata amaruie (>70% cacao)
10 curmale
2-3 linguri menta proaspata, dupa gust
Tofu se scurge bine de lichid. Se pune in blender impreuna cu curmalele si frunzele de menta. Se mixeaza pana cand curmalele sunt complet integrate in compozitie.
Ciocolata se topeste in bain-marie (baie de abur). Se toarna peste tofu in timp ce blenderul este pornit.
Se toarna spuma de ciocolata in pahare si se orneaza dupa gust. Se poate servi direct sau pastra la frigider pana a doua zi.