13 September, 2013
Onions in tomato sauceTocanita de ceapaUi stoofpotCipolle in salsa di pomodoro
Posted in : Main dishes, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur
For 2-3 servings:
1.5 kg onion, sliced
2 tablespoons oil
4-5 bay leaves
10-15 peppercorns
1 teaspoon paprika powder
3 tablespoons tomato paste
salt, to taste
Stir fry the onions in oil for 2-3 minutes. Add a cup of water, the bay leaves and the peppercorns. Cover and simmer stirring occasionally. When the onions have softened add the paprika powder and the tomato paste. Cook for another few minutes. Add salt to taste.
Serve with warm polenta!
Pentru 2-3 portii:
1,5 kg ceapa
2 linguri ulei
4-5 foi de dafin
10-15 boabe de piper
1 lingurita boia dulce
3 linguri bulion de rosii/pasta de tomate
Ceapa se taie pestisori mai grosi si se caleste 2-3 min amestecandu-se des, caci se lipeste repede. Se adauga o cana de apa, foile de dafin si boabele de piper. Cand ceapa s-a inmuiat se adauga boiaua dulce si bulionul de rosii. Se sareaza dupa gust. Se serveste impreuna cu mamaliguta!