27 September, 2015
Brined cucumbers in tomato sauce Mancarica de castraveti muratiIngemaakte komkommers in tomatensaus Cetroli in salamoia al pomodoro

For 4-6 servings:
10-12 brined cumcumbers, sliced approx. 1 cm thick (if they are too salty leave them in cold water for half an hour then drain the water)
2 onions, finely chopped
200-300 g soy pieces, optional
3-4 tablespoons tomato puree or 400-500 ml tomato passata
1 bunch dill, finely chopped
2 tablespoons oil
pepper to taste
Heat the oil in a saucepan, add the onions and stir fry for about 2-3 minutes.
Add the cucumbers and cover with water. Cook until the cucumbers are soft. Add more water if needed.
Add the tomato puree dissolved in 1/2 cup water (or the tomato passata) and continue cooking until the sauce has reduced slightly.
Finally add the pepper and dill.
Pentru 4-6 portii:
10-12 castraveti murati in saramura, taiati feliute de aprox. 1 cm grosime (daca castravetii sunt prea sarati se vor lasa in apa rece pentru 1/2 de ora apoi se vor scurge de apa)
2 cepe, taiate fin
200-300 g bucatele de texturat din soia, optional
3-4 linguri bulion de rosii sau 400-500 ml passata de rosii
1 legatura marar, taiat fin
2 linguri de ulei
piper, dupa gust
Se incinge uleiul intr-o cratita, se adauga ceapa si se caleste timp de 2-3 minute amestecandu-se din cand in cand.
Se adauga castravetii, apa cat sa acopere si se lasa la fiert pana cand castravetii s-au inmuiat. Daca este nevoie se mai adauga putina apa pe parcurs.
Se adauga bulionul de rosii dizolvat in 1/2 cana apa (sau passata de rosii) si se mai da cateva clocote pana cand sosul a scazut putin.
La final se adauga piperul si mararul.