HomeSoups <!--:en-->Sauerkraut soup<!--:--><!--:ro-->Ciorba de varza murata<!--:--><!--:nl-->Zuurkool soep<!--:-->

Sauerkraut soupCiorba de varza murataZuurkool soep

Posted in : Soups, Weight loss recipes on by : fleur Tags: , , ,

ciorba de varza murata

For 6-8 servings:

1/2 kg sauerkraut, finely chopped
1 onion
2 carrots
1 parsnip
2 potatoes
1 celery or a little bit of celeriac
a handful  frozen peas
1 can diced tomatoes  (400g)
1 bay leaf
10 peppercorns
1-2 tablespoons olive oil
lovage (or parsley), finely chopped

Cook the sauerkraut  together with the bay leaf and peppercorns  in 3 l water .

Finely chop all  the vegetables. When the sauerkraut is almost cooked add the vegetables. Add more sauerkraut juice or water, to taste.

When the vegetables are cooked add the olive oil and the lovage.ciorba de varza murata

Pentru 6-8 portii:

1/2 kg varza murata, taiata fideluta
1 ceapa
2 morcovi
1 pastarnac
2 cartofi
putina telina
o mana de mazare congelata
1 conserva rosii in bulion (400g)
1 frunza dafin
10 boabe de piper
1-2 linguri ulei de masline
leustean, taiat fin

Se pune varza la fiert, in 3 l apa, impreuna cu frunza de dafin si boabele de piper .

Toate legumele se taie marunt. Cand varza este aproape fiarta se adauga legumele. Se completeaza cu zeama de varza murata sau apa, dupa gust.

Cand legumele au fiert se adauga uleiul si leusteanul.ciorba de varza murata

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