Vanilla ice creamInghetata de vanilieVanille-ijsGelato alla vaniglia
For 4 servings:
2 cups soy milk
250 ml soy cream
1/2 cup raw sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract (or 1 sachet vanilla sugar – 9g )
3 teaspoons locust bean gum powder
Put all ingredients in blender or food processor and blend until smooth and the sugar has dissolved.
Put the composition in the ice cream maker or pour it into a container with a lid and place it in the freezer. After about an hour remove from the freezer and mix well, with a spoon (to prevent crystals formation). Repeat the process 2-3 times.
It can be served plain or with various toppings (for this one I used sour cherries in syrup).
Pentru 4 portii:
2 cani lapte de soia
250 ml frisca lichida de soia
1/2 cana zahar brut
2 lingurite esenta de vanilie (sau un pachetel zahar vanilat)
3 lingurite faina de carobe
Se pun toate ingredientele in blender/robot de bucatarie si se mixeaza pana cand se obtine o pasta omogena si zaharul s-a topit. Se poate folosi, in absenta unui blender/robot de bucatarie, un tel.
Compozitia se pune in masina de facut inghetata sau, in lipsa acesteia, se toarna intr-un recipient cu capac si se da la congelator. Dupa aproximativ o ora se scoate din congelator si se amesteca bine cu ajutorul unei linguri (pentru a nu se forma cristale). Se repeta procesul de 2-3 ori.
Se poate servi simpla sau cu diverse toping-uri (pentru acesta inghetata am folosit cirese amare in sirop).