13 September, 2013
Potatoes stewTocanita de cartofiAardappels stoofpotStufato di patate

For 4 servings:
1 kg potatoes, cubed
1/2 kg onion, sliced
2-3 bell peppers, sliced
4 tablespoons tomato paste
2 teaspoons dried thyme
6-7 garlic cloves, finely chopped
fresh parsley, finely chopped
2 tablespoons oil
salt and pepper
Stir fry the onions, in oil, for about 3-4 minutes. Add the potatoes, the thyme and water to cover. Cook for approx. 10 minutes then add the bell peppers. When the potatoes are almost cooked add the tomato paste and the garlic. Simmer for a few minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste and garnish with parsley.
Serve with salads or pickles.
Pentru 4 portii:
1 kg cartofi (noi)
1/2 kg ceapa
2-3 ardei grasi
4 linguri de bulion de rosii
2 lingurite cimbru uscat
6-7 catei de usturoi
o legatura de patrunjel
2 linguri ulei
sare, piper
Se taie ceapa pestisori si se caleste in ulei, timp de 3-4 minute. Se adauga cartofii taiati cubulete, cimbrul si se acopera cu apa. Dupa aprox. 10 minute se adauga ardeiul gras taiat. Cand cartofii sunt aproape fierti se adauga bulionul de rosii, usturoiul pisat si se mai lasa sa fiarba cateva minute. Se potriveste de sare si piper si se adauga patrunjelul taiat fin.
5 thoughts
this is a very Turkish dish and I love it!
Haha, this is also a Romanian dish…we have a lot in common (sarma, corba…)
right, we have a lot in common!
and thanks for reminding, will cook today!
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