26 February, 2015
Tangerine sorbetSorbet de mandarineMandarijnjes sorbetSorbetto al mandarino

For 4 servings:
100 g raw sugar
150 ml water
400 ml fresh tangerine juice
Put the water and sugar in a saucepan and boil for 5-6 minutes (do not stir!!). Allow to cool.
Add the tangerine juice and mix well.
Put the mixture into a container with a lid and place it in the freezer. After about an hour remove from the freezer and stir well with a spoon (to prevent crystals formation). Repeat the process 2-3 times.
Pentru 4 portii:
100 g zahar brut
150 ml apa
400 ml suc proaspat de mandarine
Se pun apa si zaharul intr-o craticioara si se fierb 5-6 minute (fara a amesteca!!). Se lasa la racit.
Se adauga sucul de mandarine si se amesteca bine.
Se pune compozitia intr-un recipient cu capac si se da la congelator. Dupa aproximativ o ora se scoate din congelator si se amesteca cu ajutorul unei linguri (pentru a nu se forma cristale). Se repeta procesul de 2-3 ori.