Soy spreadIcre de soiaSoja
150 g soybeans
3 bay leaves
3 tablespoons olive oil
1 teaspoon mustard
juice of one large lemon
1 small onion, finely chopped
salt, to taste
Soak the soybeans overnight. Wash them and cook them with the bay leaves. Drain but keep a little bit of the moisture.
Mash the cooked soybeans with a food processor (or mash crusher) until you obtain a paste (not very smooth). Add a little moisture if needed (2-3 tablespoons).
Put it in a bowl, add the olive oil, mustard, lemon juice and whisk. At the end add the chopped onion and salt. Mix well.
You can serve it on bread/crackers with olives.
Note: you can use more/less of mustard/lemon juice to your taste.
150 g boabe soia
3 frunze dafin
3 linguri ulei de masline
1 lingurita mustar
zeama de la o lamaie mare
1 ceapa mica, taiata foarte fin
sare, dupa gust
Boabele de soia se lasa la inmuiat peste noapte. Se aleg, se spala si se fierb impreuna cu frunzele de dafin. Se pastreaza putin din apa in care au fiert.
Dupa ce au fiert se paseaza cu ajutorul unui robot de bucatarie (sau un strivitor de piure) pana cand se obtine o pasta nu foarte fina. Se adauga putin din apa in care au fiert (2-3 linguri).
Se scot intr-un castron, se adauga uleiul, mustarul, zeama de lamaie se bat cu telul. La sfarsit se adauga ceapa si se potriveste de sare.
Nota: in functie de tipul mustarului si de marimea lamaiei, se mai adauga din acestea pana cand se obtine gustul dorit.