8 April, 2015
Soy milk Lapte de soia Soja melkLatte di soia
Posted in : Beverages, Breakfast, Uncategorized on by : fleur Tags: mancare vegana, retete vegane, soia, vegan recipes
For approx. 1.5 l soy milk:
1 cup soy beans
6 cups water
a pinch of salt
Soak the soybeans overnight (10-16 hours).
Wash and rub the soybeans between the hands to remove the shells as much as possible.
Put them in the blender with 3 cups of water.
Blend for about 2 minutes until smooth.
Pour the soybean mixture into the cheesecloth and hold over the pot. Squeeze out as much liquid as you can.
The pulp, okara, can be used in other recipes and must be cooked.
Add 3 more cups of water and a pinch of salt to the soy milk.
Bring to a boil on high heat then cook it on low heat for approx. 15 minutes. Stir occasionally and remove the foam.
Finally you can add different flavors to your taste.
Keep it up to 3 days in the refrigerator.
Pentru aprox. 1,5 l lapte de soia:
1 cana boabe de soia
6 cani apa
un varf de cutit de sare
Boabele de soia se lasa la inmuiat peste noapte (10-16 ore).
Se spala si se freaca intre maini pentru a se indeparta cojile pe cat de mult posibil.
Se pun in blender impreuna cu 3 cani de apa.
Se mixeaza timp de aprox. 2 minute pana cand se obtine o pasta fina.
Se toarna intr-un tifon, se prind capetele tifonului si se preseaza pana cand tot lichidul s-a scurs.
Pasta obtinuta, okara, se poate folosi in alte retete si trebuie preparata termic.
Laptele de soia obtinut prin presare se pune intr-o oala, se mai adauga inca 3 cani de apa si varful de cutit de sare.
Se pune la fiert ,la foc mare, pana da in clocot apoi se da focul mic si se fierbe timp de aprox. 15 minute. Se amesteca din cand in cand si se indeparteaza spuma.
La final se pot adauga diferite arome in functie de preferinta.
Se pastreaza maxim 3 zile in frigider.