HomeMain dishes <!--:en-->Sauerkraut stamppot<!--:--><!--:ro-->Stamppot cu varza murata<!--:--><!--:nl-->Zuur­kool­stamp­pot<!--:-->

Sauerkraut stamppotStamppot cu varza murataZuur­kool­stamp­pot

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For 4-6 servings:

1.5 kg potatoes, peeled and cut in half
1 kg sauerkraut, finely chopped
10-15  peppercorns
2 bay leaves
2-3 tablespoons olive oil

Cook the potatoes, sauerkraut, bay leaves and peppercornsin water enough to cover. Cover and simmer on medium heat.

When the vegetables are cooked drain the water ( kept it separately), remove the bay leaves and mash. Add some water (from the potatoes and sauerkraut), little by little, until you get the consistency of a puree.

Add the olive oil and mix well.

Serve as side dish with soy, seitan, tempeh, etc. (in the picture above it is served with lentil burger).

Variation: you can add a few tablespoons of nutritional yeast.

Note: Stamppot is a traditional Dutch dish and consists of mashed potatoes mixed with various ingredients like sauerkraut, carrots+ onions, kale, etc.zuurkoolstamppot

Pentru 4-6 portii:

1,5 kg cartofi, curatati si taiati in jumatate
1 kg varza murata, taiata fideluta
10-15 boabe piper
2 frunze dafin
2-3 linguri ulei de masline

Se pun cartofii, varza, frunzele de dafin si boabele de piper, la fiert, in apa cat sa acopere. Se acopera cu un capac si se fierbe la foc mediu.

Cand legumele au fiert se scurg de apa  (care se pastreaza separat), se scot frunzele de dafin si se paseaza. Se adauga apa in care au fiert, putin cate putin, pana cand obtinem consistenta unui piure.

Se adauga uleiul de masline si se amesteca bine.

Se poate servi ca si garnitura pentru diverse preparate din soia, seitan, tempeh (in imagine este servita cu burger din linte).

Variație: se pot adăuga cateva linguri de drojdie inactivă.

Nota: Stamppot-ul este un fel de mancare olandez și cunoaste diverse variatii (varza murata  se poate inlocui cu andive, sfeclă, morcovi+ceapă, varza kale etc).zuurkoolstamppot

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