5 September, 2014
Pasta alla NormaPaste alla Norma Pasta alla NormaPasta alla Norma
Posted in : Appetizers, Main dishes on by : fleur Tags: mancare vegana, paste, retete vegane, vinete
For 4 servings:
500 g pasta (penne, rigatoni, spaghetti, etc.)
2-3 eggplants, sliced approx.. 0.5 cm
750 ml tomato passata (or 1/2 kg ripe tomatoes, finely chopped)
1 head of garlic, finely cut
2 tablespoons olive oil
fresh basil, finely chopped (to taste)
salt and pepper, to taste
Cook the pasta according to package directions. Drain.
Grill the eggplant slices on the pre-heated grill, 2-3 minutes on each side.
Heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add the garlic. Stir fry for about 2-3 minutes. Add the tomato passata (or the chopped tomatoes), cover and simmer until the sauce has reduced slightly. Stir occasionally.
Add the eggplant slices, salt and pepper and cook for few minutes.
Put the pasta on a plate and add the sauce on top. Garnish with fresh basil.
Pentru 4 portii:
500 g paste (penne, rigatoni, spaghetti, etc.)
2-3 eggplants, sliced 0,5 cm
750 ml suc de rosii (sau 1/2 kg rosii foarte bine coapte)
1 capatana usturoi, foarte fin taiat
2 linguri ulei de masline
busuioc praspat, taiat fin (dupa gust)
sare si pipe, dupa gust
Pastele se fierb conform indicatiilor de pe pachet. Se scurg de apa.
Feliile de vinete se frig pe gratar, 2-3 minute pe fiecare parte.
Intr-o cratita se incinge uleiul de masline si se adauga usturoiul. Se celeste timp de 2-3 minute,amestecand continuu. Se adauga sucul de rosii (sau rosiile taiate marunt), se acopera cu un Capac si se lasa la fiert pana cand sosul scade putin. Amestecam din cand in cand.
Se adauga feliile de vinete, sarea si piperul si se mai fierbe cateva minute.
Se pun pastele in farfurii si se adauga sosul. Se orneaza cu busuioc proaspat.