HomeSoups <!--:en-->Oyster mushroom soup<!--:--><!--:ro-->Ciorba vegana de burta<!--:--><!--:nl-->Oesterzwam soep<!--:-->

Oyster mushroom soupCiorba vegana de burtaOesterzwam soep

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Oyster mushroom soup

For 6 servings:

For the vegetable stock:

1 carrot
1 onion, cut into large pieces
1 parsnip
1/2 celeriac or 2 stalks celery, cut
2 potatoes, cut in half
2-3 bay leaves
10 peppercorns

Put all ingredients in a soup pot  with  2 liters  water. When the vegetables are done remove them from the water (they can be served as salad, with garlic sauce or horseradish sauce).

Leave the pot on the stove on low heat.

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Oyster mushroom soup

300 g oyster mushrooms, sliced ​​approx. 0.5 cm thick
1 carrot, grated
1 yellow bell pepper, finely sliced
250 ml vegan sour cream (or 1 cup soy milk mixed with 2 tablespoons flour)
2 tablespoons olive oil
3-5 cloves garlic, mashed – to taste
3-5 tablespoons vinegar, to taste

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan and add the carrots and bell pepper. Fry, stirring occasionally, until tender.

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Oyster mushroom soup

Blend until smooth.

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Oyster mushroom soup

Heat  1 tablespoon of oil in a pan and add the mushrooms. Fry, stirring occasionally. Add the moisture from the mushrooms to the  vegetable stock. Continue frying until tender, taking care not to brown the mushrooms.

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Oyster mushroom soup

Add the carrot/bell pepper paste and the mushrooms to the vegetable stock. Cook for a few minutes.

Add the vegan sour cream and  salt (to taste).

Add the garlic and vinegar to taste and continue cooking for a few minutes longer.

Serve with fresh chili.

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Ciorba vegana de burta

Pentru 6 portii:

Pentru zeama de legume:

zarzavat pentru ciorbe/supe:

1 morcov
1 ceapa, taiata in bucati mari
1 pastarnac
1/2 telina sau 2 tije de telina, taiate felii/bucati
2 cartofi, taiati in jumatate
2-3 frunze de dafin
10 boabe de piper

Intr-o oala se pun toate ingredientele la fiert in 2 l apa. Cand legumele au fiert se scot din apa (se pot servi cu salate, cu mujdei de usturoi sau sos de hrean). Se lasa oala pe aragaz, la foc mic.

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Ciorba vegana de burta

300 g ciuperci pleurotus, taiate feliute de aprox. 0.5 cm grosime
1 morcov, dat prin razatoarea mare
1 ardei gras galben, taiat feliute
250 ml smantana vegana (sau 1 cana lapte de soia in care s-au adaugat 2 linguri de faina)
2 linguri ulei de masline
3-5 catei de usturoi, pisati – dupa gust
3-5 linguri otet, dupa gust

Se incinge 1 lingura de ulei intr-o tigaie si se adauga morcovul si ardeiul gras. Se calesc, amestecand din cand in cand, pana cand se inmoaie.

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Ciorba vegana de burta

Se mixeaza cu ajutorul unui blender/robot de bucatarie pana cand se obtine o pasta foarte fina.

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Ciorba vegana de burta

Intr-o tigaie se incinge 1 lingura de ulei si se adauga ciupercile. Se calesc amestecand din cand in cand. Zeama pe care si-o lasa se adauga peste zeama de zarzavat. Se calesc pana cand se inmoaie avand grija sa nu le rumenim.

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Ciorba vegana de burta

Se adauga pasta de morcovi/ardei gras si ciupercile in zeama de zarzavat. Se fierbe pret de cateva minute.

Se adauga smantana vegana si se potriveste de sare.

Se adauga usturoi si otet dupa gust si se continua fierberea pentru cateva minute.

Se serveste cu ardei iute.ciorba burta7

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