HomeAppetizers <!--:en-->Lentil pate <!--:--><!--:ro-->Pateu de linte<!--:--><!--:nl-->Linzen pate<!--:-->

Lentil pate Pateu de linteLinzen pate

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022pateu linte

Lentil pate

1 cup green lentils
2 bay leaves
10-15 peppercorns
2 tablespoons oil
1 onion, chopped
3-4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 teaspoons thyme
1 teaspoon paprika powder
1 tbsp. tomato puree
1 cup dry white wine
salt and pepper, to taste

Wash the lentils thoroughly and cook them together with the bay leaves and peppercorns in 3 cups of water. If needed add more water.

When the lentils are cooked drain but keep the water apart. Remove the bay leaves and peppercorns.

Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a pan and stir fry the onion and garlic for 3-4 minutes.  Add the wine, the remaining spices and cook, uncovered, until the onion is soft and the alcohol has evaporated. Add the tomato puree dissolved in a little bit of water from the cooked lentils. Continue cooking for another 3-4 minutes.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

Put all the ingredients in a food processor / blender and process/blend until smooth. If needed add a little bit more water from the cooked lentils until you obtain the  consistency of a pate.

022pateu linte

Pateu de linte

1 cana linte verde
2 frunze dafin
10-15 boabe de piper
2 linguri ulei
1 ceapa, taiata marunt
3-4 catei usturoi, taiati marunt
2 lingurite cimbru
1 lingurita boia dulce
1 lingura bulion de rosii
1 pahar vin sec alb
sare, piper, dupa gust

Lintea se spala bine si se pune la fiert impreuna cu frunzele de dafin si boabele de piper in 3 cani de apa. Daca este nevoie se mai adauga apa pe parcurs.

Cand lintea a fiert se surge de apa (care se pastreaza separat),  se indeparteaza frunzele de dafin si boabele de piper.

Se incinge 1 lingura de ulei intr-o tigaie si se calesc ceapa si usturoiul timp de 3-4 minute. Se adauga vinul, restul condimentelor si se fierbe, descoperit, pana cand ceapa este patrunsa si alcoolul s-a evaporat. Se adauga bulionul de rosii dizolvat in putina apa in care a fiert lintea. Se continua fierberea inca 3-4 minute. Se potriveste de sare si piper.

Se pun toate ingredientele intr-un robot de bucatarie/blender si se mixeaza pana cand se obtine o pasta fina. Daca este nevoie se mai adauga putina apa in care a fiert lintea pana cand se obtine consistenta unui pateu.022pateu linte

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