7 February, 2014
Tortilla wrapsFoi de tortillaTortilla wraps
Comments : 2 Posted in : Pastry on by : fleur
For 6 pieces :
200 g flour
120 ml of warm water
1 tablespoon oil
a pinch of salt
Mix all ingredients. Knead the dough for 5 minutes, cover with a towel and leave it to rest in a warm place for about half an hour.
Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces, forming balls. Roll each piece of dough with a rolling pin, to a round shape of approx. 20 cm.
Bake for 2-3 minutes on each side, in a hot non-stick frying pan (no need to be greased), on medium heat.
The sheets are filled while they are still warm, or keep stacked and warm inside a clean tea towel, otherwise it will harden.Pentru 6 foi:
200 g faina
120 ml apa calduta
1 lingura ulei
un varf de cutit de sare
Se amesteca toate ingredientele. Aluatul obtinut se framanta 5 minute apoi se acopera cu un servet si se lasa la loc cald o jumatate de ora.
Se imparte aluatul in 6 parti egale, formandu-se mingiute. Fiecare bucata de aluat se intinde cu ajutorul unui sucitor avand grija sa se pastreze forma rotunda (aprox. 20 cm in diametru).
Se coc, 2-3 minute pe fiecare parte, intr-o tigaie incinsa (nu este nevoie sa fie unsa cu ulei), la foc potrivit.
Foile se umplu cat sunt inca calde sau se acopera cu un servet curat de bucatarie, altfel se vor intari.
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