HomeDesserts <!--:en-->Coconut – lemon cake<!--:--><!--:ro-->Tort de nuca de cocos si lamaie<!--:--><!--:nl-->Kokosnoot – citroen cake<!--:-->

Coconut – lemon cakeTort de nuca de cocos si lamaieKokosnoot – citroen cake

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Coconut – lemon cake

Spring form 20 cm (8 -10 servings)

2 cans coconut milk

Leave the coconut milk cans in refrigerator overnight. Before use separate the solid part from the liquid part. The solid one  will be used to prepare the cream, the other one for the leaf.

For the leaf:

300 g flour
150 g raw sugar
125 ml sunflower oil
375 ml liquid from the coconut milk cans (if needed add vegetable milk or water)
zest from 1 untreated lemon
3 tablespoons coconut flakes (fresh or dry)
2 tsp. vanilla essence
1 tsp. vinegar
15 g baking powder
a pinch of salt

Mix all the ingredients until the sugar has melted. Grease the spring form with a little bit of oil. Pour the mix into the form and bake  (in the preheated oven) on medium heat, for 30-40 minutes. Check with a straw if the dough is baked inside, if the dough sticks to the straw bake for a few minutes longer. Allow  to cool, remove from the spring form and cut horizontally into 3 equal parts.

For the cream:

2 packs silken tofu (600 g)
the solid part of coconut milk
½ cup raw sugar
zest of one untreated lemon
juice of 1-2 lemons (to taste)
2 tablespoons amaretto or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
3-4 tablespoons coconut flakes (fresh or dry)
1-2 tablespoons coconut butter (oil), melted (only if needed)

Blend all the ingredients  until  smooth  and the sugar has dissolved. Refrigerate for at least an hour. If the cream is too soft  add the melted coconut butter (oil) (for my cream it was not necessary).

Assembling the cake:

Place a leaf on a plate and add  1/3 of the cream on top. Spread evenly. Add another leaf on top and repeat the process 3 times.

Add the remaining cream on the last leaf and spread evenly, including the sides.

Garnish as desired.

Before serving refrigerate for at least an hour.

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Coconut – lemon cake

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Tort de nuca de cocos si lamaie

Pentru un tort cu diametrul  de 20 cm 8-10 portii):

forma de cuptor cu margine detasabila (20 cm)

2 conserve de lapte de cocos

Conservele se lasa in frigider, peste noapte. Inainte de folosire se separa partea solida de lichid. Partea solida se va folosi la prepararea cremei, lichidul pentru blat.

Pentru blat:

300 g făină
150 g zahăr brut
125 ml ulei floarea soarelui
375 ml lichid de la laptele de cocos (daca mai este nevoie se completeaza cu lapte vegetal sau apa)
coaja rasa de la 1 lamaie netratata
3 linguri fulgi de nuca de cocos
2 lingurițe esență de vanilie
1 pachet praf de copt (15g)
1 lingurita otet
un vârf de cuțit sare

Se amestecă toate ingredientele până cand  zahărul s-a topit. Se unge forma cu puțin ulei, se toarnă compoziția în formă și se coace (în cuptorul încalzit în prealabil) la foc potrivit, 30-40 minute. Se încearcă cu un pai dacă blatul este copt în interior, dacă coca se lipește de pai se va prelungi timpul de coacere încă câteva minute. Se lasă la răcit apoi se taie, cu grija, in 3 parti egale.

Pentru cremă:

2 pachete silken tofu (600 g)
partea solida de la laptele de cocos
½ cană zahăr brut
coaja rasă de la o lamaie netratata
zeama de la 1-2 lamai (dupa gust)
2 linguri amaretto  sau 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie
3-4 linguri fulgi de cocos
1-2 linguri unt de cocos, topit ( numai daca este nevoie)

Se amestecă toate ingredientele cu ajutorul unui blender până când se obține o pastă fină și zahărul s-a topit. Se da la frigider pentru cel putin o ora. Daca crema este prea moale se va adauga untul de cocos topit (la mine nu a fost nevoie).

Asamblarea tortului:

Se pune un blat pe un platou iar deasupra se adauga 1/3 din crema si se intinde uniform. Se adauga inca un blat si se repeta procesul de 3 ori.

Se adauga restul de crema peste ultimul blat si se intinde uniform, inclusive pe partile laterale.

Se orneaza dupa dorinta.

Inainte de servire se da la rece pentru cel putin o ora.

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Tort de nuca de cocos si lamaie

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3 thoughts

  • Monique Janssen
    May 7, 2015 at 7:24 pm

    Alweer een recept dat perfect geslaagd is! Ook kleinzoon van 17 maanden vond het lekker en mocht ervan proeven, omdat het niet gezoet was met geraffineerde suiker, maar met kokosbloesemsuiker. Mijn gebak viel iets bruiner uit, omdat ik voor het deeg de ‘brut’ gebruikte. Voor de kokos/zijdentofuroom nam ik wel de lichte kokosbloesemsuiker. Ik had ook maar twee lagen, want mijn springvorm was iets groter en daardoor werd het deeg dus iets groter in diameter, maar wel net te dun om drie lagen te maken. Daardoor wat room over. Volgende keer neem ik gewoon 1 pakje zijdentofu ipv 1,5 pakje.
    Bedankt voor het heerlijke recept !

  • Monique Janssen
    May 8, 2015 at 1:31 pm

    Alweer een succesrecept !
    Ik gebruikte de donkere kokosbloesemsuiker voor het deeg en de lichte voor de room. Daardoor is mijn deeg wat donkerder dan die van het recept.
    Omdat mijn springvorm een wat grotere diameter heeft, heb ik maar twee lagen ipv drie.
    Bedankt voor dit heerlijke recept !

  • fleur
    May 9, 2015 at 9:20 am

    Graag gedaan, Monique! Ik ben blij dat idereen het lkker vond!

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