HomeSoups <!--:en-->Red lentil creamy soup<!--:--><!--:ro-->Supa crema de linte rosie<!--:--><!--:nl-->Rode linzensoep<!--:-->

Red lentil creamy soupSupa crema de linte rosieRode linzensoep

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supa crema linte

Red lentil creamy soup

For 6 servings:

1 cup red lentils
1 large onion
1 carrot
1/2 celeriac or 2 stalks celery
2 potatoes
1 bell pepper
2 tomatoes
2 bay leaves
4-5 cloves of garlic
fresh chili / chili flakes (optional)
salt and pepper, to taste

Wash the lentils thoroughly .

Wash the vegetables and cut into medium pieces.

Put everything  in a soup pan, add 4 cups of water,  cover and simmer on medium heat.

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Red lentil creamy soup

When the vegetables and lentils are cooked remove the bay leaves then blend until smooth.

Add salt and pepper to taste.

Variation: you can add in the plate some olive oil and / or fresh parsley, finely chopped.

supa crema linte

Supa crema de linte rosie

Pentru 6 portii:

1 cana linte rosie
1 ceapa mare
1 morcov
1/2 telina sau 2 tije de telina
2 cartofi
1 ardei gras
2 rosii
2 frunze dafin
4-5 catei de usturoi
ardei iute/ fulgi de ardei iute (optional)
sare si piper, dupa gust

Lintea se spala foarte bine.

Legumele se spala si se taie in bucati potrivite.

Se pune totul la fiert in 4 cani de apa, la foc potrivit.

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Supa crema de linte rosie

Cand legumele si lintea au fiert se indeparteaza frunzele de dafin apoi se mixeaza cu ajutorul unui blender.

Se potriveste de sare si piper.

Variatie: in farfurie se poate orna cu ulei de masline si/sau patrunjel proaspat, taiat fin.supa crema linte

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