2 November, 2014
Pumpkin strudelStrudel cu dovleacPompoen strudelStrudel di zucca

For 4 large pieces:
For the dough:
500 g flour
1 cup warm water
3 tablespoons raw sugar
3 tablespoons oil
1 teaspoon vinegar
a pinch of salt
Mix all ingredients and knead for a few minutes. The dough should be elastic but soft. Put it in a bowl, cover with plastic wrap or a clean kitchen towel and let it rest, at room temperature, at least 30 minutes.
Meanwhile prepare the filling.
For the filling:
8 cups grated pumpkin
3 tablespoons raw sugar
2 tablespoons oil
Heat the oil in a large saucepan, add the grated pumpkin and sugar and fry , stirring occasionally, until the pumpkin has softened slightly (approx. 10 minutes).
Divide the dough into four equal parts.
Sprinkle a little flour on the work surface and roll the dough lengthwise, using a rolling pin, to a thickness of 3-4 mm.
Add 1/4 of the amount of pumpkin, close the ends and roll.
Grease an oven tray and put the strudels in it.
Brush them with a little bit soy milk for a nice color.
Bake them in the preheated oven, on medium heat (175 C) for about 30-40 minutes.
Serve warm (if they get colder the dough harden).
Note: you can also use filo dough.
Pentru 4 bucati mari:
Pentru aluat:
500 g faina
1 cana apa calduta
3 linguri zahar brut
3 linguri ulei
1 lingurita otet
un varf de cutit de sare
Se amesteca toate ingredientele si se framanata cateva minute. Aluatul trebuie sa fie elastic dar moale. Se pune intr-un castron, se acopera cu o folie de plastic sau un servet curat de bucatarie si se lasa sa stea, la temperature camerei, cel putin 30 minute.
Cat aluatul se odihneste se prepara umplutura.
Pentru umplutura:
8 cani dovleac ras
3 linguri zahar brut
2 linguri ulei
Se incinge uleiul intr-o cratita mare, se adauga dovleacul ras si zaharul si se celeste, amestecand din cand in cand, pana cand dovleacul s-a inmuiat putin (aprox. 10 minute).
Aluatul se imparte in 4 parti egale.
Se presara putina faina pe suprafata de lucru si se intinde pe lungime, cu ajutorul unui facalet, la o grosime de 3-4 mm.
Se adauga 1/4 din cantitatea de dovleac, se inchide la capete si se ruleaza.
Se aseaza in tava de cuptor unsa cu putin ulei.
Se unge fiecare strudel cu putin lapte de soia.
Se coc in cuptorul incins in prealabil, la foc mediu (175 C) aprox. 30-40 minute.
Se sevesc calzi (cand se racesc coca se intareste).
Nota: Se poate folosi si aluat filo.