1 November, 2014
Tricolor quinoa puddingQuinoa tricolora cu lapte vegetal Driekleur quinoabrij

For 2-3 servings:
1 cup (tricolor) quinoa
2 cups vanilla vegetable milk (or natural vegetable milk + 2 tablespoons raw sugar + 1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence)
a handful of goji berries (optional)
Wash well the quinoa and cook it in the vegetable milk.
Cook for 8 minutes on low heat, set aside, add the goji berries, mix,cover with a lid and let it rest for about 10 minutes.
Serve warm.
Pentru 2-3 portii:
1 cana quinoa (tricolora)
2 cani lapte vegetal cu aroma de vanilie (sau lapte vegetal natural + 2 linguri zahar brut+ 1/2 lingurita esenta de vanilie)
o mana de fructe goji (optional)
Quinoa se spala bine si se pune la fiert in laptele vegetal.
Se fierbe timp de 8 minute la foc mic, se ia dupa foc, se adauga fructele goji, se amesteca si se lasa acoperita cu un capac inca 10 minute.