30 August, 2014
Seitan gyrosSeitan gyrosSeitan gyros
Posted in : Main dishes on by : fleur Tags: mancare vegana, retete vegane, seitan
For 3-4 servings:
For the seitan:
1 kg flour
1 teaspoon paprika powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
2 bay leaves
10 peppercorns
The preperation of seitan is described here.
Cook the seitan, whole, in water with the bay leaves and peppercorns, for about 30-35 minutes. Drain well then cut into small pieces.
For the marinade:
6 cloves of garlic, mashed
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons thyme
1 teaspoon oregano
1 teaspoon paprika powder
1 teaspoon coriander powder
1/4 teaspoon cumin powder
chili powder, to taste
salt and pepper, to taste
Mix all ingredients.
Pour the marinade over the pieces of seitan, mix well and leave to marinate for at least an hour (the longer, the better).
Fry the seitan gyros in 1-2 tablespoons olive oil.
It can be served with pita bread, fries, garlic sauce, tomatoes, onions and pickles.
Note: Gyros is a traditional Greek dish.
Pentru 3-4 portii:
Pentru seitan:
1 kg faina
1 lingurita boia dulce
1/2 lingurita ceapa pudra
1/2 lingurita usturoi pudra
2 frunze de dafin
10 boabe de piper
Se pregateste seitanul ca aici .
Se fierbe seitanul, bucata intrega, in apa cu frunzele de dafin si boabele de piper, timp de 30-35 minute. Se lasa la scurs apoi se taie in bucatile mici.
Pentru marinata:
6 catei de usturoi, pisati
2 linguri ulei de masline
2 lingurite cimbru
1 lingurita oregano
1 lingurita boia dulce
1 lingurita coriandru pudra
1/4 lingurita chimion pudra
boia iute, dupa gust
sare si piper, dupa gust
Se amesteca toate ingredientele.
Se toarna marinada peste bucatelele de seitan, se amesteca bine si se lasa la marinat pentru cel putin o ora (cu cat mai mult, cu atat mai bine).
Bucatelele de seitan se prajesc in 1-2 linguri ulei de masline.
Se poate servi impreuna in painici pita cu cartofi prajiti, sos de usturoi, rosii, ceapa si castraveti murati.
Nota: Gyros este un fel de mancare traditional grecesc.