HomeDesserts <!--:en-->Pear cake<!--:--><!--:ro-->Prajitura cu pere<!--:--><!--:nl-->Peercake<!--:-->

Pear cakePrajitura cu perePeercake

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Pear cake

For a (spring) form with a diameter of 26 cm.

2-3 pears, cut into small pieces

2 cups flour
1 cup water
1/2 cup raw sugar
4 tablespoons oil
1-2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
2 teaspoons vinegar
1/4 teaspoon turmeric, for color (optional)
pinch of salt

Mix the water with sugar, oil, salt and vanilla extract until the sugar has dissolved. Add the flour, little by little, stirring  to avoid lumps forming. Finally add the turmeric, vinegar, baking powder and mix well. Add the pears and mix.

Grease the (spring) form with oil and coat with flour.

Pour the mixture into the form and bake in pre-heated oven, at medium heat (175C) for approx30 minutes..

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Prajitura cu pere

Pentru o forma de cuptor cu diametrul de 26 cm.

2-3 pere, taiate bucatele mici

2 cani faina
1 cana apa
1/2 cana zahar brut
4 linguri ulei
1-2 lingurite esenta de vanilie
1 1/2 lingurita praf de copt
2 lingurite otet
1/4 lingurita curcuma (turmeric), pentru culoare (optional)
un praf de sare

Se amesteca apa cu zaharul, uleiul, sarea si esenta de vanilie pana cand zaharul s-a topit. Se adauga faina, putin cate putin, amestecand continuu pentru a nu se forma cocoloase. La sfarsit se adauga curcuma, otetul, praful de copt si se amesteca bine.

Se adauga bucatelele de para si se amesteca.

Forma se unge cu ulei si se tapeteaza cu faina.

Se toarna compozitia in forma de cuptor si se coace, in cuptorul incins in prealabil, la foc mediu (175C) timp de aprox. 30 minute..prajitura pere1

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