1 January, 2015
Chocolate truffelsTrufe de ciocolataChocolade truffelsTartufi al cioccolato
Posted in : Desserts on by : fleur Tags: ciocolata, deserturi vegane, frisca vegana, mancare vegana, retete vegane, vegan recipes
200 g good quality pure chocolate, more than 72% cocoa
150 ml liquid vegetable whipped cream
1-2 tablespoons disaronno or cognac (to taste)
1 tablespoon coconut oil
1-2 tablespoons cocoa powder
Bring the liquid whipped cream to a boil. Allow it to cool slightly.
Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt it au bain marie.
When the chocolate is melted, pour it little by little, over the cream, stirring continuously.
Add the melted coconut oil (also au bain marie) and disaronno or cognac. Mix well.
Refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours.
Sift the cocoa powder onto a plate.
With 2 teaspoons, spoon round balls of the chocolate mixture (or with a melon baller).
Roll each ball through cocoa powder.
Variation: Instead of cocoa you can use also dried coconut flakes or ground hazelnuts.
200 g ciocolata pura de buna calitate, peste 72 % cacao
150 ml frisca vegetala lichida
1-2 linguri disaronno sau coniac (dupa gust)
1 lingura ulei de cocos
1-2 linguri cacao
Se fierbe frisca. Se lasa putin la racit.
Ciocolata se rupe in bucatele si se topeste in baie de aburi (au bain marie).
Cand s-a topit, se toarna peste frisca, putin cate putin, amestecand in acelasi timp.
Se adauga uleiul de cocos topit (au bain marie) si disaronno/coniacul. Se amesteca bine.
Se da la frigider pentru cel putin 2-3 ore.
Se cerne cacaoa intr-o farfurie.
Cu ajutorul a doua lingurite se formeaza bilute din compozitia de ciocolata (sau cu ajutorul unei ustensile de scobit pepene). Se rostogolesc prin cacao.
Se pastreaza in frigider.
Variatie: in loc de cacao se pot folosi si fulgi uscati de nuca de cocos sau alune macinate.