HomeMain dishes <!--:en-->Vegetable stew<!--:--><!--:ro-->Ghiveci de legume<!--:--><!--:nl-->Groentestoofpot<!--:-->

Vegetable stewGhiveci de legumeGroentestoofpot

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ghiveci de legume

Vegetable stew

For 5-6 servings:

2 kg assorted vegetables, chopped
5-6 tablespoons tomato pasta / 1/2 kg tomatoes, diced
1 bunch parsley, finely chopped
2-3 bay leaves

1 teaspoon dried thyme
5-6 cloves of garlic, mashed
3 tablespoons oil
salt and pepper, to taste

For this recipe you can use different vegetables, depending on the season: onions, potatoes, carrots, cauliflower, green beans, peas, broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, eggplant, celery, parsnips, sweet peppers, leeks, etc..

Stir fry the onions in oil for 2-3 minutes. Add the bay leaves, thyme and the vegetables, starting with the ones which take longer to cook : first the green beans and carrots than the cabbage, peas, etc. Add water to cover.

Cover and simmer on medium heat stirring occasionally. When the vegetables are almost cooked add the tomato pasta (or the tomatoes). Finally, add the garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

Garnish with  parsley.

Serve with salad or pickles.

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Vegetable stew

ghiveci de legume

Ghiveci de legume

Pentru 5-6 portii:

2 kg legume asortate
5-6 linguri bulion de rosii/ 1/2 kg rosii
o legatura patrunjel
2-3 frunze de dafin
1 lingurita cimbru uscat
5-6 catei de usturoi
3 linguri de ulei
sare, piper

Pentru ghiveci se pot folosi diverse legume, in functie de sezon: ceapa, cartofi, morcovi, conopida, fasole verde, mazare, brocoli, varza alba, dovlecel, vinete, telina, patrunjel, pastarnac, ardei gras, praz etc.

Ceapa taiata potrivit se caleste in ulei, timp de 2-3 minute. Se adauga frunzele de dafin, cimbrul si, pe rand, legumele spalate si taiate, incepand cu cele care fierb mai greu: mai intai fasolea verde, apoi morcovul, varza, mazarea s.a.m.d. Se amesteca din cand in cand. Cand legumele sunt aproape fierte se adauga bulionul / rosiile curatate de pielita, taiate foarte fin si cimbrul.

La sfarsit se adauga usturoiul pisat, sare si piper dupa gust. Se poate da la cuptor 10 minute pentru a se rumeni.

Se orneaza cu patrunjel prospat taiat fin.

Se serveste cu salata asortata, de varza sau cu muraturi.

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Ghiveci de legume

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