16 October, 2017
Vegan stuffed eggsOua vegane umpluteVeganistische gevulde eieren

For about 12-15 pieces.
To form the “egg white” I used a mold for chocolate eggs. You can also use avocado shells or any other mold/container similar to boiled eggs cut in half, or even a round shape will work.
I have tried to make the “egg white” 3 different ways , the closest to the taste and texture was the one with silken tofu but if it is difficult to get it, you can use only vegetable milk, agar-agar and kala namak salt but the texture will be different than that of the real ones. Some recipes on the internet use only unsweetened almond milk.
For an autenthic egg taste it is important to use kala namak salt.
For the egg whites:
200 g silken tofu
200 ml unsweetened soy milk
5 g agar-agar
1/4 teaspoon salt kala namak (or to taste)
Blend the silken tofu until smooth, pour it into a saucepan and mix it with the soy milk and agar-agar. Do not add the salt yet otherwise the mix will split. Cook for about 2 minutes, stirring from time to time. Let it cool. When it is cooled, just not very hot but also not very cold, when you can hold your finger into without burning feeling, add the kala namak salt, mix well and pour it into the mold. Allow to cool in the refrigerator.
Scoop a little hollow in each egg where the yolk supposed to be.
For the stuffing:
300 g cooked chickpeas
5-6 tablespoons vegan mayonnaise (see recipe here)
1-2 tablespoons dill, finely chopped
1/4 teaspoon salt kala namak (or to taste)
finely ground pepper, to taste
a pinch of turmeric, for the color
Process the cooked chickpeas until smooth. Mix with the other ingredients and let them cool in the refrigerator for 1/2 – 1 hour then fill each egg. Garnish with parsley leaves.
Cantitati pentru aproximativ 12-15 bucati.
Pentru formarea “albusului” am folosit o forma pentru oua de ciocolata. In lipsa acesteia se pot folosi coji de avocado sau orice alta forma asemanatoare oului fiert si taiat pe jumatate, sau chiar o forma rotunda.
Am incercat trei variante de preparare a albusului, cea mai apropiata de gustul si textura albusului are in compozitie silken tofu dar, daca acesta este dificil de procurat, se poate realiza si fara, doar cu lapte vegetal, insa textura va fi diferita. Unele retete folosesc laptele de migdale neindulcit.
O componenta importanta a acestei retete este sarea kala namak care da si gustul de ou.
Pentru albus:
200 g silken tofu
200 ml lapte de soia neindulcit
5 g agar-agar
1/4 lingurita sare kala namak (sau dupa gust)
Se blenduieste toful pana se omogenizeaza, se toarna intr-o craticioara si se amesteca cu laptele de soia si agar-agar-ul. Nu se adauga sarea inca altfel se “taie” compozitia. Se fierbe 2 minute amestecandu-se din cand in cand. Se lasa la racit. Cand s-a racit atat cat sa suportam daca probam cu degetul, deci nu foarte fierbinte dar nici foarte rece, se adauga sarea kala namak, se amesteca bine si se toarna in forme. Se lasa la racit in frigider pana se intareste.
Se scobeste fiecare “ou” la baza in locul unde ar fi trebuit sa fe galbenusul.
Pentru umplutura:
300 g naut fiert
5-6 linguri maioneza vegana (vezi reteta aici)
1-2 linguri marar taiat foarte fin
1/4 lingurita sare kala namak (sau dupa gust)
piper macinat fin, dupa gust
un varf de cutit turmeric, pentru culoare
Se paseaza nautul pana se obtine un piure fin (se poate folosi un robot de bucatarie sau un blender). Se amesteca cu celelalte ingrediente si se lasa la racit in frigider pentru 1/2 – 1 ora apoi se umplu ouale. Se orneaza cu frunze de patrunjel.
2 thoughts
Minunata reteta. Abia astept sa o incerc, dupa ce imi voi procura ingredientele ce imi lipsesc. Multumesc !
Minunata reteta ! Multumesc !