Chickpea pattiesChiftelute din nautKikkererwten balletjesPolpette di ceci
300 g cooked chickpeas
3-4 tablespoons flour
1 large onion, finely chopped
4-5 cloves of garlic, mashed
1 tablespoon seasoning mix (coriander-, cumin-, allspice-, paprika-, juniper-, garlic-, mustard powder)
1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
parsley, finely chopped
dill, finely chopped
salt and pepper, to taste
oil for frying
Blend the chickpeas with a blender / food processor or with a fork. Add all the ingredients and mix well. Form little balls with wet hands, dredge through flour and fry in hot oil until golden brown.
Serve with vegetables, mustard, rice, mashed potatoes, salads …
Note: fry first one piece, if won’t hold together, add more flour to the mixture and try again.
300 g naut fiert
3-4 linguri de faina
1 ceapa mare taiata fin
4-5 catei de usturoi pisati
1 lingura condimente pentru tocatura
1/2 lingurita cimbru uscat
sare, piper
Nautul se paseaza cu ajutorul unui mixer/robot de bucatarie sau in lipsa acestora cu ajutorul unei furculite. Se adauga restul ingredientelor si se amesteca bine. Se formeaza rotocoale cu mainile umede, se dau prin faina si se prajesc in ulei incins pana capata o culoare aurie. Se pot servi alaturi de o garnitura din legume, cu mustar, orez, piure din cartofi…
Nota: incercati sa prajiti mai intai o bucata, daca se dezintegreaza mai adaugati putina faina in compozitie si incercati din nou.